By Carol Cichorski, on March 5th, 2025%
Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine and temperature made me feel like was spring one day last week. For those of us who garden, this is a much awaited time. For those who . . . → Read More: Yay! Time For Spring Garden Tasks
By Carol Cichorski, on November 24th, 2024%
Yep, I got your attention with fast, easy, and cheap. After all, who doesn’t want Christmas guests to be impressed with your holiday decorating acumen even before they come in the house?
I change the look of this planter every season, so that change really does have to be fast, easy, and cheap.
The . . . → Read More: Winter Planter – Fast, East, And Cheap
By Carol Cichorski, on October 30th, 2024%
Did you wait till the last minute to decorate your pumpkin? Looking for ideas? I’ve got ya covered.
Here are my friend Ginny’s and mine.
Here are a few prize winners from our neighborhood contest.
Plus a few from an artist at the Sister Bay Library in Door County.
Inspired? I hope so. . . . → Read More: Last Minute Pumpkin Decorating Ideas
By Carol Cichorski, on July 1st, 2024%
A tomato cage does not have to be ugly. Or boring. Or not strong enough. Yep, we’ve got the solution. Take a look. My gosh, its even upcycled. I’m not sure what the sides were in a past life, but they definitely weren’t from a tomato cage. You get the idea though, maybe you . . . → Read More: Not Your Average Tomato Cage
By Carol Cichorski, on April 23rd, 2024%
It was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…at least it seems like it. I thought it was a good idea to plant ivy along with our foundation plantings. NOT! Unfortunately, its even worse than that. Take a look at the picture and you just have to say “yuchh”. I had . . . → Read More: From Ivy And Houttuynia To Low Maintenance
By Carol Cichorski, on February 14th, 2024%
Amazing, just amazing. Its February 14th. I love in Chicagoland. That’s zone 5, or maybe 6 depending on who you talk to. And here I am with a whole buncha flowers blooming in my front yard! Its been such a warm winter that they are even earlier than usual.
Oh, there are lots more, . . . → Read More: Winter Aconite Blooms For Valentine’s Day
By Carol Cichorski, on October 5th, 2023%
This year was definitely a competition for the dahlia in our yard that bloomed the most. There were a lot of contenders. As you can see, we did not lack for blooms this year. If you grew dahlias and they were less than magnificent, worry not. Some years are good and some aren’t. For . . . → Read More: Which Dahlia Bloomed The Most?
By Carol Cichorski, on August 30th, 2023%
Yes! Its time for our dahlias to take center stage. I spoke for the Potawatomie Garden Club in St. Charles and made 6 vases of dahlias to share with them. Finally, I am out in my garden with the preverbal basket gathering blooms.
Of course, later in the day, it was back to . . . → Read More: A Tisket, A Tasket, A Dahlia Filled Basket
By Carol Cichorski, on August 10th, 2023%
It’s here!! If my garden were a tv channel, this would be prime time during sweeps week. The best of the best of the best out back for our viewing pleasure during breakfast. Except for this one bountiful basket, it’s out front. That one is compliments of the Elk Grove Garden Club’s raffle in . . . → Read More: The Abundance We Have Been Waiting For
By Carol Cichorski, on June 5th, 2023%
Its True Confession time – I’ve been fooled. The deceiver’s name is Nightshade, and for a long time I thought he was a good guy. He hid his true self behind the beauty of a trellised rose bush and I was misled. Deceived into thinking I was lucky enough to have a clematis on . . . → Read More: Nightshade – Obnoxious Weed