By Carol Cichorski, on March 5th, 2025%
Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine and temperature made me feel like was spring one day last week. For those of us who garden, this is a much awaited time. For those who . . . → Read More: Yay! Time For Spring Garden Tasks
By Carol Cichorski, on February 9th, 2023%
Yes, BROWN is a color. Yes, it can be quite boring. But in the category of “work with what you are given”, we have abundant BROWN during our Chicagoland winters. This little guy certainly “worked his BROWN”. He is BROWN to begin with, and he has chosen a BROWN scarf. Still, he is totally . . . → Read More: Winter Interest: Brown Is A Color Too
By Carol Cichorski, on March 12th, 2022%
Winter Aconite – Hello
Last Saturday was March 5th and winter aconite was blooming in my front yard. I kid you not. Chicagoland. March 5th. Blooms. YES!! Now that’s a sign of spring that I always look for. Sometimes I have to look for the buds under snow since we are, after all, . . . → Read More: Hello Winter Aconite, Goodbye Winter Interest
By Carol Cichorski, on December 9th, 2020%
This winter planter is going to be outside for months! Not just weeks, which is what would have happened if I themed it for Christmas instead of winter. Pretty smart, huh? Sure, the bows will have to go after Christmas, but everything else can stay till I change the planter a bit for Valentine’s . . . → Read More: My Long-Lasting Winter Planter
By Carol Cichorski, on February 13th, 2020%
Valentine’s Day is so close, and fortunately creating my Valentine’s Day planter took all of 5 minutes, just like this posting!
I started with my Christmas planter. Out with the Snowman, in with Valentine hearts. Boom. Done.
. . . → Read More: 5 Minute Valentine’s Day Planter
By Carol Cichorski, on November 7th, 2019%
Sure, it’s tempting to call a gardening article this time of year something like “Putting the Garden to Bed” or “Autumn Cleanup”, but I’m going to instead go with a theme of “Winter Interest”. I’m going to show you one of my tricks to prepare the garden to be interesting even when summer breezes . . . → Read More: Getting The Garden Ready For Winter Interest
By Carol Cichorski, on January 12th, 2019% Eight dollars and eight minutes – that’s about what it took to change my outdoor Christmas planter to a Valentine’s Day planter. It was actually ridiculously easy. I must admit I had the birdhouse, so the $8 covered the heart-shaped welcome sign and the two burlap hearts. The good news there is you really aren’t . . . → Read More: Winter Planter Easily Transforms Into Valentine’s Planter
By Carol Cichorski, on February 9th, 2018% In the highly recommended department…
Today is the day for a walk in the freshly fallen snow. We got to Busse before anyone else. Peaceful and Pristine. The woods that is. We were more like Nanook and Nanookette.
. . . → Read More: Take A Hike In The New-Fallen Snow
By Carol Cichorski, on December 2nd, 2017% Yes, it is December 2nd. Yes, I live in Chicagoland. Yes, those are my gardening tools outside. I kid you not. Its been another balmy December day where I just HAD to get outside. I don’t do all of my cleanup before winter sets in. I do typically leave a lot for spring. After all, . . . → Read More: Winter Interest – What Goes? What Stays?
By Carol Cichorski, on January 15th, 2016%
“Those who can, garden. Those who can’t, color.”
Perhaps that is not exactly how the quote was originally written, but it is still true. So though it’s a bit chilly (OK, frigid) in Chicagoland, I can still add color to my not-so-real garden. Coloring books for adults are a big thing right . . . → Read More: Too Cold To Garden? Color!