Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Make A Memory For Them

My garden isn’t just decorative. It is also a place that reminds me of others. I like going out in my garden and being surrounded by those memories. Bob and Joann gave us the heart shaped plant hanger, and the sign that reads ‘The best is yet to come’. Susan from Keno Kozie gave me . . . → Read More: Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Make A Memory For Them

Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Wagon Ho! Ho! Ho!


Did I make a mistake? This picture looks like kids having fun. Nothing to do with Christmas. Nothing to do with gardening. But wait!!! Might not this same wagon be so perfectly sized that you can put a gardening basket it, as well as a bucket or plants, and still put a shovel or . . . → Read More: Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Wagon Ho! Ho! Ho!

Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – The Right Vase, Defined

Two postings in one day; amazing.  I just finished writing about a lovely rose. Now let’s move on to Christmas Gifts for Gardeners and talk about vases.

I’m afraid that my hutch is all vased up with nothing to show.  Soon, the vases will all move down to the basement till spring, replaced, sadly, by . . . → Read More: Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – The Right Vase, Defined

Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Foxgloves

It’s time to pack up the gardening gloves, gardening shoes, gardening tools, gardening decorations. Well, you get the idea. And speaking of decorations (note the clever segue) its time to think about Christmas. I can help you find a great Christmas gift for your favorite gardener. This posting will be the first in a series, . . . → Read More: Christmas Gifts For The Gardener – Foxgloves

You Can’t Trust Chicago Weather

It is spring, but you can’t tell by looking at Chicago weather.  You can barely see the neighbor’s house. What did we do to deserve all of this snow on the Cub’s opening day?

Did I mention today is April 1st? Do you think that just perhaps it is your local blogger that you . . . → Read More: You Can’t Trust Chicago Weather

OhWhatAWednesday – Winter Interest Or Sandals?

Winter interest or sandals?  That is the question.  I am sitting on my back porch (oh I can’t tell you that because a winter interest article would have to be written in the warmth of my home).  The question is still ‘Winter interest or sandals?’  I’d really rather not talk about winter interest.  I’d rather . . . → Read More: OhWhatAWednesday – Winter Interest Or Sandals?

Winter Interest Morphs into Spring To Do List

Oh my gosh. Regine was right. ‘Gardening IS housework you do outside’. Last week my garden was filled with Winter Interest. This week it is filled with Spring To Do Items. My many beautiful grasses have gone from wispy to weepy. Autumn joy sedum has no more joy. Little lumps of snow covered kale looked . . . → Read More: Winter Interest Morphs into Spring To Do List

OhWhatAWednesday – River Birch Bark

The picture says it all. River birch bark looks great in winter. The good news is that winter is just about over, even the snow you see in this picture is gone. Woohoo!

This is an installment in the OhWhatAWednesday series, where I dare to take on the task of finding something in my . . . → Read More: OhWhatAWednesday – River Birch Bark

OhWhatAWednesday – The Rose of Sharon Surprise

Spring is coming! I can feel when I’m out walking with the dog. The birds are singing, the geese are flying, and my fingers are not frozen. It just feels different, doesn’t it? I better get moving with what looks good in my yard in winter before I run out of winter. So we’ll do . . . → Read More: OhWhatAWednesday – The Rose of Sharon Surprise

OhWhatAWednesday – Winter And The Garden Isle

Oh dreary winter. Oh lack of green. Oh snowy driveway. Oh bundled up to the hilt. Oh wait … we were in Kauai. Oh sunny day. Oh lush greenery. Oh valet parking. Oh swimsuit and sandals. Oh yes!

And I get to write about it on in a winter gardening series because I used ‘Winter’ . . . → Read More: OhWhatAWednesday – Winter And The Garden Isle