By Carol Cichorski, on March 5th, 2025%
Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine and temperature made me feel like was spring one day last week. For those of us who garden, this is a much awaited time. For those who . . . → Read More: Yay! Time For Spring Garden Tasks
By Carol Cichorski, on February 6th, 2022%
That title says it all. I could stop right here and have said enough with “Zinnia Seeds Are At Home Depot!”. Not just any zinnia seeds, but the great big beauties called State Fair. Some years we can’t find the seeds and have to buy plants, so I am pleased to announce that the . . . → Read More: Zinnia Seeds Are At Home Depot!
By Carol Cichorski, on April 22nd, 2020%
I started to get rid of horribly invasive Star of Bethlehem last year. And by started, I do believe I started what is going to be a multi-year project. This nasty little plant is such a deceiver. The leaves look like my scilla. They look like my grape hyacinths. It looks innocent. It looks . . . → Read More: Never Never Plant Star of Bethlehem
By Carol Cichorski, on April 3rd, 2019% “Lettuce” Begin – A perfect pun for what needs to be done – begin growing lettuce. I planted our lettuce seeds in two coal buckets yesterday. They are outside on our deck where bunnies can’t reach them. Lettuce is a cold weather crop. Start it now so its ready before it bolts and tastes bad. . . . → Read More: “Lettuce” Begin!
By Carol Cichorski, on May 21st, 2018% It took FOREVER for spring to arrive in Chicagoland, but BOOM, its suddenly here. My garden is gorgeous! Just look at how beautiful groundcovers can be in the spring…
This one is creeping phlox. It will gently cascade its blooms in the spring. The alliums in the background are pretty cool too.
Ok, I . . . → Read More: Lovin’ The Spring Groundcovers
By Carol Cichorski, on June 1st, 2016% It seemed like such a simple task. A rainy day. A little painting in the basement before work. Just a few signs and a small fence. The operative word here is ‘seemed’, because I have once again proved that everyone needs an editor. Now keep in mind that I do Instructional Design for a living, . . . → Read More: In the ‘Oops’ Category
By Carol Cichorski, on April 23rd, 2016% I put out my hummingbird feeder today. It is early, but I suffer from intense positivity. I also suffer from internet exposure. Fortunately, the internet resource is a reliable one. You too can go to Journey North to see that the first hummingbird in our Chicagoland area was reported on April 16th.
Journey North noted . . . → Read More: The Hummingbirds Are Coming!
By Carol Cichorski, on April 15th, 2015% It’s not that there isn’t color in my yard already. It’s just that most of it is green right now. Don’t get me wrong. After a long Chicago winter, green is good.
For example, these sedum are green, and that’s good. I sure wouldn’t want them to be brown at this point.
And this daffodil. . . . → Read More: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – Painting Renee Style
By Carol Cichorski, on April 3rd, 2015% Did you miss the Chicago Flower & Garden Show? You did? I’m sorry. I can help you with your loss by providing some of my favorite take-aways from the show. I can’t recreate the fragrance of hyacinths or beauty of a rose garden, but there is always more to learn about gardening. Let’s go there.
. . . → Read More: 13 Tips Inspired by the Chicago Flower & Garden Show
By Carol Cichorski, on January 16th, 2015% You’ve seen this mosaic at the top of my blog. It’s my trademark, my brand, and yes, my kitchen wall. It was also a 3 year project, often ignored for quite a while until inspiration struck.
Sometimes it wasn’t inspiration as much as persistence. Michelangelo, the artist who painted the Sistine Chapel, is quoted . . . → Read More: Was Michelangelo Really Any More Creative Than You Are?