Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine and temperature made me feel like was spring one day last week. For those of us who garden, this is a much awaited time. For those who don’t garden, well, they just may miss all of the excitement. We had a 60 degree sunny day, last week. I could hardly wait to get out there with my garden wagon full of tools, and my dog.

Now, don’t go crazy and start doing all kinds of garden tasks. For example, if I had trimmed my rose bushes, the new growth would die from the frost we will still be getting. But look at this, new growth where I cut down the autumn joy sedum. The old stems are out of the way for the new growth, and I know they won’t care about the weather. We also brought the coal buckets up from the basement. The daffodils clearly know its time to move along. If I get fearful of a really cold snap, I can bring them in.

Grasses as a big deal for us. Some look great over the winter, some just topple over. Oh well, they all get to try again next year. We especially like leaving the grass behind this planter. We even leave the mums. Something for the snow to land on.

Are we done? Far from it! I will consider us to have arrived when the shed doesn’t look like this. But done? Never!

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