The month of April, per Edith Holden’s “Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady” …
The name of this month is derived from the Greek word fo ‘opening’. In many countries of Europe the first of April has for long been appropriated to a facetious custom for which no satisfactory origin has yet been assigned. To send an ignorant or unsuspecting person on a bootless errand is the great endeavour of the day. In England such an one is designated ‘April fool’, in Scotland he is said to be ‘hunting the gowk’, while in France he is called ‘poisson d’Avril’ or April fish.
And from the collection of poetry Ms. Holden has been kind enough to share with us …
Oh, how this spring of love resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day!
Which now shows all the beauty of the sun
And by and bye a cloud takes all away.
From: Two Gentlemen of Verona
Author: Shakespeare
Whereforth cometh the inspiration to wax poetic? Gardeners’ Muse Day, where Carolyn Choi invites bloggers to share our favorite poems, songs, verses and quotes about gardening on the first of the month.
I love April, it’s my favorite month of the year. Finally, the garden wakes up and all the cute little spring ephemerals bloom. Happy April!
A very fitting choice of poetry for April. This month is full of unpredictability, but when I see the daffodils blooming and the promise of tulips soon to come it’s a beautiful time!