I’m continuing my quest for a large garden with less maintenance. Parts of my garden are low maintenance, parts are heading in the right direction, and other parts are worth the work. I’ll also continue sharing what I learn, so come back for more.
I recently posted a low maintenance shrub list from Heather at Berthold’s Garden Center. You may be wondering if she has a list of low maintenance perennials as well. Yes! Here it is:
Coreopsis Creme Brulee – Heather’s bloomed from end of May until frost without deadheading.
Salvia Blue Hill – Doesn’t get as tall as other salvias, LONG bloom time. Does flop by end of season but in Heather’s garden there are other plants around it to support it.
Dicentra Candy Hearts – Everblooming dwarf bleeding heart.
Echinacea Pica Bella – More compact, better manageable size for smaller gardens.
Heuchera Beaujolais – Nice, burgundy/chocolate leaves–good combo with Japanese painted fern in shady garden.
Rudbeckia Viette’s Little Suzy – Excellent disease resistance, cleaner plant that old Goldsturm variety, long bloom time & bright vibrant gold color.
Dianthus Dragon Fruit – Not only long bloom time but also double pink, spicy scented flowers. Blue green foliage also looks nice all season. Small plant, easy to use anywhere.
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