You may remember that I just had to have my zinnia garden back. I had one before and it was a beauty. This year’s bed will rival that one. It’s huge. 82 State Fair zinnias are bound to take up a fair piece of real estate.
My niece Kathryn gave me a funny look when I said this was a low maintenance area.
Look at it this way:
- Mike dug out the area – a one time job.
- We planted the zinnias – one time a year job.
- Billy and George mulched – no work at all for me.
- Weeds – the occasional weed lifts right out.
- Watering – I set the sprinkler up weekly.
I was thrilled by the thumbs up from God when I walked outside one morning and He was pointing a sliver of morning sun on the first zinnia.
They are already blooming nicely and it will only get better. State Fair zinnias get 3-4 feet tall and blossom and blossom and blossom. Mine are spaced far enough apart to get air circulation so they are unlikely to have a serious mildew problem.
Do you want to know what else is blooming in the July garden? To see what other bloggers have blooming on the 15th of every month, visit May Dreams Gardens – Bloom Day for our Garden Bloggers’ Bloom day entries.
I love zinnias! How nice to have a whole garden bed full of these. This summer certainly has been challenging for so many plants, but the zinnias seem to be holding up well in the heat and drought.
Love the Zinnia bed. It must give you lots of enjoyment!
I love zinnias also, and filling a bed with them looks great. Wish I had thought of that. I especially like the Profusion and Zahara series.
I have severe Zinnia envy. I couldn’t figure out when to sow the seeds this year. In previous years, only a few survived to bloom, and that so late in the year. Next year you must help me.
I’d like to know the secret to getting zinnia seeds to turn into reliable plants too. We don’t start them outside as we are too impatient. We seed many inside, and some make it. Only some. I again had to supplement with nursery plants.
I love zinnias – but I don’t have any this year. Big mistake. State fair zinnias are great. I hope you have lots of red!
Your original post on zinnias inspired me to plant them this year. So I bought 4 little plants (they are not State Fair, but some other tallish variety–Grand, maybe?)
. They are beautiful!! Next year I am filling a bigger empty space with zinnias instead of shopping for the perfect perennial. Loads of low maintenance color!!
I’m so glad you are enjoying the zinnias. They really are turning out to be low maintenance, even in this drought. And they are adding color since so much of my garden has not done well in the heat.
Just wonderful, I remember, growing up, we always planted a huge patch of Zinnias every year from seed we had collected the year before…it was so GRAND!
Are those a dozen bird feeders behind the zinnias?
I’m not sure what you are seeing, but its not bird feeders.